Hi, welcome to my booty band site and shop! You may have come here from my other social media platforms, and know me as a fish slayin’ outdoors woman with a nice booty! (If you just came here by some other way and have no idea what is going on, go ahead and click on my social links or head to the blog section to learn more!)
I have decided to design my own line of booty bands to share my fitness habits and tips with my followers and anyone else who is interested in growing and building their glutes or strengthening their body to perform better at whatever they do in the outdoors! My designs are inspired by my passion, and every time I bring my bands into the workout room I see the patterns and think about building my body so that I can be better the next time I reel in that huge fish or have to drag that big buck 100 yards!
I hope that you are inspired the same way and that you enjoy the creative designs that are so unique to the average, boring bands that you often see out there! Thank you for visiting my site, not only do I hope to send you one of my special bands, but most importantly I hope you are inspired!